Key School and the Key Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) are excited to share this website with all our Key families and caregivers. You can also download the Membership Toolkit App on Apple or Android to your mobile phone to access the school directory and other school information.
Our school depends on the support of our families.
Thank you to everyone who has already paid their Dues and Bulk Supplies for this school year. If you haven't yet made your contributions for the new school year, please do so below:
If your child is absent from school, please email your child’s Homeroom Teacher and Mr. Arvantes: james.arvantes@k12.dc.gov. For an absence to be excused, documentation must be submitted in writing to the school’s attendance staff within 5 business days of the student’s return from the absence.
Purchasing school lunches this year is a cashless system. To set up an account for your child, go to https://linqconnect.com/ account or contacting DCPS' Food & Nutrition Services directly at food.dcps@k12.dc.gov or 202-299-2159.
Click here if you would like to apply for DCPS' Free and Reduced Price Meals
As the public health emergency is lifted, COVID-19 is now treated the same as any other communicable disease. We are sharing the following reminders for your reference:
COVID Testing -
DCPS will not conduct COVID tests at school. COVID tests are not required to return to school this year.
COVID Contact Tracing -
No contact tracing will occur.
Testing Positive for COVID -
Staff who test positive for COVID should alert their school leader and follow guidance from their health provider. Students who test positive should follow up with their health provider for guidance and the family should alert the school of their absence (in accordance with normal absence reporting requirements).
Masks -
Mask wearing is optional, and schools should support individual decisions to mask for health reasons. For individuals who test positive for COVID: A mask should be worn through the 10th day from a positive test or onset of COVID symptoms.
Notifications -
No notifications (classroom, staff, or school-wide) will be sent for COVID positive cases.
Get Back into the School Groove with Fresh Penguin Gear and the New Key Hat Shop
From spiral notebooks to pencil cases, zip-up hoodies to vintage t-shirts, and magnets to face masks. The Key Spirit Wear store has it all! Offering assorted colors, adult and kid sizes, and all your back-to-school needs. Get your Spirit Wear HERE
We are also excited to announce the launch of our new Key School Swag Hat Shop! We have everything including baseball hats, trucker hats, knit beanies and even pom pom hats in an assortment of colors! Come visit the Swag Hat Shop HERE
Proceeds from all sales go to Key School programming to support Key School’s amazing teachers, students, and staff. We can’t wait to see you in your Key School gear! Go Penguins! Questions? Contact Kelly Mistretta (Carmen, 4th & Sloane, K) for more information: kellyratner@gmail.com